Autumn has learned how to roll from her back to her tummy (4/9). I called Matt at work and told him she had just rolled over and his voice sounded sad, I'm sure it was because he had wished he was at home watching it happen too. But there is no doubt that Autumn has showed her Daddy she can roll over MANY times lol. Every time we put her on the floor to play she's rolling all over the place.
Autumn's crib is still in our room :( She had been sleeping very well through the night, only waking up once for her paci. But the last few nights she's woken up a lot for her paci. Funny thing is we were getting ready to put her crib back in her room lol. Guess we'll just have to wait a little while longer.
Autumn is getting such a personality, she's all smiles until she's so tired she can't put herself to sleep. She wants to play all the time and doesn't want to take naps :( She's eating a lot of different baby foods. Autumn loves to eat her food mixed together, she can't have just bananas, it has to be bananas and pears lol. This is more of a Matt thing, as everyone knows I hate my food mixed together.
We are teaching Autumn a few basic sign language symbols, like Mommy, Daddy, more, and diaper. We read that it's easier for them to learn sooner than talking.So we think it will be good for her before she can use her words. It's going pretty good she's watching us and you can see in her eyes that she's trying to learn. Well it's time for me to try to get Autumn down for her morning nap and get a shower!!!!
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